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Ways to Use Technology to Reap Greater Benefits From Your Yoga Sessions

Author: Stuti Shah Sheth

Ways to Use Technology to Reap Greater Benefits From Your Yoga Sessions
Ways to Use Technology to Reap Greater Benefits From Your Yoga Sessions

As we progress ahead with technology, we have a lot to keep up with. Technology is paving the path to a smarter future. With the advancements in science, we are starting to seek inner peace. The methods for holistic health, such as Yoga, have become very important to have significant personal growth. Today’s fast-paced life demands a balance between personal.. Read more

How Content Marketing is Helping Businesses in the Time of Pandemic
How Content Marketing is Helping Businesses in the Time of Pandemic

The covid-19 pandemic has turned our lives and businesses upside down. The ongoing crisis seems never-ending, which implies that we need to revive our ways of living according to the present scenario. Many companies, especially the hospitality industry, have suffered a massive setback. With many consumers restricting their movement, different companies struggle to improvise their ways to enhance customer engagement.. Read more

How to Keep Your Child Safe During Virtual Online Schooling
How to Keep Your Child Safe During Virtual Online Schooling

This year of 2021 is becoming a lot more exciting for 5-year-old Kaira as she is getting to attend virtual classes for all her activities. The Covid-19 pandemic has opened the doors to e-learning, exposing 3 to 18-year-olds to the virtual world like never before. While online learning isn’t unusual, the security measures taken may not be sufficient this time… Read more

Should We Continue Using WhatsApp with the New Privacy Policy?
Should We Continue Using WhatsApp with the New Privacy Policy?

You must have come across the news that WhatsApp has updated its privacy policy and it will come in effect from February 9, 2021. Whether you have accepted the new privacy policy already or you yet to get the intimation, it is very important to know what it is all about. What is it about? This new privacy policy will.. Read more

Upcoming IT Trends that will change the way you work

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the paradigms of every industry have drastically changed. 2021 is expected to be a major milestone in every sector. Different organizations are leveraging advanced and disruptive technologies to adapt to the new normal. IT trends are re-shaping the organizational flexibility and work culture. With the sudden escalation in remote working culture, the IT.. Read more

Avoid content mistakes to formulate your Digital Transformation Strategy
Avoid content mistakes to formulate your Digital Transformation Strategy

You may have informational content with a lovely presentation but if it is failing to move you closer to your organizational goals, it’s time for digital transformation. You may need to revisit your content strategy and its implementation. A focused and well-developed digital transformation strategy can help you fetch the desired results in terms of sales and ROI. As per.. Read more

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It’s time to pull in a professional content writer

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