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Should We Continue Using WhatsApp with the New Privacy Policy?

Digital Marketing

Should We Continue Using WhatsApp with the New Privacy Policy?
Should We Continue Using WhatsApp with the New Privacy Policy?

You must have come across the news that WhatsApp has updated its privacy policy and it will come in effect from February 9, 2021. Whether you have accepted the new privacy policy already or you yet to get the intimation, it is very important to know what it is all about. What is it about? This new privacy policy will.. Read more

Avoid content mistakes to formulate your Digital Transformation Strategy
Avoid content mistakes to formulate your Digital Transformation Strategy

You may have informational content with a lovely presentation but if it is failing to move you closer to your organizational goals, it’s time for digital transformation. You may need to revisit your content strategy and its implementation. A focused and well-developed digital transformation strategy can help you fetch the desired results in terms of sales and ROI. As per.. Read more

What you must keep in mind while using Zoom for video conferencing
What you must keep in mind while using Zoom for video conferencing

With lockdown instilled in majority parts of the world due to Covid-19 and countries actively practicing social distancing, zoom video conferencing has become popular for both businesses as well as personal use. How does zoom video conferencing work? Zoom is simply an online platform that allows audio as well as video conferences over the internet. Just like any other conference.. Read more

Why Should You Care About Regular Health Check Up Of Your Business Website
Why Should You Care About Regular Health Check Up Of Your Business Website

So you have a business website to yourself which represents your brand in its entirety. And everything’s stable in terms of sales, conversions and you’re sitting all relaxed and comfortable in your chair. Is that enough? No! The work is only half done. When it comes to your business website, one thing’s for sure, you’re always being watched, which is.. Read more

It’s time to pull in a professional content writer

Struggling to carve out a space for your website amidst the trillions of pages on the internet? Hire a content writing agency to gain a competitive edge.

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