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Reasons to Integrate your Landing Page with your CRM

Author: Stuti Shah Sheth

Reasons to Integrate your Landing Page with your CRM
Reasons to Integrate your Landing Page with your CRM

All businesses, be it B2C or B2B, face this pressing challenge in today’s digital era – the need to attract and hold the attraction of their audience, while getting them to share vital information. In other words, “quality lead generation” is what gives you an edge over your competitors. Landing pages are an essential component of any marketing strategy. They.. Read more

How Google Duplex-the AI will change our life?
How Google Duplex-the AI will change our life?

Artificial Intelligence is one thing. Breathing life into it, literally, is quite another. Yes. That’s Google Duplex for you. If you haven’t heard about it already, here’s a quick brief. It can hold a conversation, it understands, interacts, speaks and all this in a natural way like a human being does. Only, it’s a machine. It’s a concept. It’s a.. Read more

How Healthcare Industry is leveraging IoT
How Healthcare Industry is leveraging IoT

Right when the concept was established, IoT has influenced both- the way we live and how we work. Almost every aspect of human lives has witnessed the intervention of IoT, and according to the experts, the technology holds great potential to benefit the human race. This potential of IoT also extends its benefits to the healthcare industry. In fact, it is believed.. Read more

Virtual Reality to hit the Gym
Virtual Reality to hit the Gym

All industries have benefited from the advancements in technology. It has not spared even the health and fitness industry. For many years gyms were known for body building, weight lifting and other such physical activities that would help people to stay fit by burning those extra calories. Advancements in virtual reality podiums have brought about innovation to the gyming industry… Read more

Why Should You Care About Regular Health Check Up Of Your Business Website
Why Should You Care About Regular Health Check Up Of Your Business Website

So you have a business website to yourself which represents your brand in its entirety. And everything’s stable in terms of sales, conversions and you’re sitting all relaxed and comfortable in your chair. Is that enough? No! The work is only half done. When it comes to your business website, one thing’s for sure, you’re always being watched, which is.. Read more

Why to invest in Quality Content?
Why to invest in Quality Content?

A lot has been said and discussed Content and its potential benefits to the success in the marketing. Some believe it is the King, while other says it is almost everything.  “Content” is like an ocean that includes an array of formats, distribution channels and n number of topics. However, one thing is for sure that the value that content.. Read more

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It’s time to pull in a professional content writer

Struggling to carve out a space for your website amidst the trillions of pages on the internet? Hire a content writing agency to gain a competitive edge.

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