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5 Smart Clocks for Sleep Lovers

Author: Stuti Shah Sheth

5 Smart Clocks for Sleep Lovers
5 Smart Clocks for Sleep Lovers

5 Smart Clocks for Sleep Lovers With time, technology is moving ahead. There is technology counting number of steps when we walk, calculating calories burnt while we exercise, keeping an eye inside our homes when we are out, turning on the air conditioner for us etc. Smart devices like Smart phones, smart watches and smart glasses have totally changed our.. Read more

When the world is appalled at it, do you know this about Ransomware?

“WannaCry?” Just download this .exe!The previous week was one of the worst weeks in Cyber Threat history when over 200,000 victims in at least 150 countries were targeted by the ransomware known as “WannaCry” and that ransomware still continues to wreak havoc over the online population. What is a Ransomware?A malicious software that hijacks a computer or a whole computer.. Read more

Why IoT-based Smart Office should be a choice of any CEO
Why IoT-based Smart Office should be a choice of any CEO

A Smart Office An office space that is connected to the internet, sensors and devices that help employees in managing workload and time in a better manner is the perfect example of a Smart Office. Smart-office-IoT What is an Intelligent workplace? Your smartphone is a portable office – you check your emails, set up meeting in the calendar, make a.. Read more

SEO Trends to Look Out For in 2017
SEO Trends to Look Out For in 2017

Technology always plays an important role be it any industry. The world of SEOs is also caught in the surge as businesses use any and every tool at their disposal to gain the maximum market share and fight their way through the competition. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the lifeline of every business as oxygen to a human being. The.. Read more

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