So you have a business website to yourself which represents your brand in its entirety. And everything’s stable in terms of sales, conversions and you’re sitting all relaxed and comfortable in your chair. Is that enough? No! The work is only half done. When it comes to your business website, one thing’s for sure, you’re always being watched, which is both good and bad. You can never afford to take a breather which is a testament in itself that things are going in the right direction.

Keep n eye on your Business Website Performance
What needs work though? Just like our bodies, websites need constant maintenance and polishing as well. This is where a regular health check-up enters the fray.
What constitutes as a website health check-up?
This is basically a measure of the ABCs of your website. A wholesome dissection of your website right to a cellular level is what a prudent website check-up is. Is the number of visitors increasing regularly? Is your landing page working? Are leads actually converting more than moving away? Are all your products/services witnessing sales be it low or high? Is your website experiencing any undue downtime? Having trouble with 404 or 301 errors? Is your website performing well on the lines of SEO? Do you need the new and latest content on the pages?
The answers to all these questions and more will be found once a health check-up is fulfilled. This is also a barometer using which you can keep professional SEO services and WordPress developers in check. You can indirectly keep them on their toes by asking the right questions; making sure that your website’s progress doesn’t suffer.
Once you hire Magento 2 developers, thinking that the hard part is over is utterly wrong. Always remember; getting on top is easy; staying there however is an arduous task.
A website health check-up constitutes the following verticals:
- Any persisting technical errors being suffered by the website.
- Presence of 404 or 301 errors.
- Complete content analysis; whether it is SEO friendly according to the current search engine parameters.
- Media check i.e. images and videos – check if the sizes can be reduced whilst keeping the quality intact so as to make the website faster.
- Internal linking check – check to see if all the hyperlinks listed on the page are working or not.
- Check for any webpage redundancies – SEO takes a serious hit if there’s any undue duplicity.
- Check the potency of your SEO submissions – meta description, meta titles, meta keywords.
- Includes URL optimization as well.
- Check the overall keyword list of your website – if it is still in line with what the customers are typing on search engines.
- The UI/UX dissection – check to see if the customers are following the website’s paper trail in the sense that they’re not just landing on your ‘landing’ pages but moving a step further as well; by making transactions.
Why Should You Need To Care?
In For the Long Haul
- If you’re in it for the long haul, you definitely need to care. If you plan to stick to your domain for years and years to come, health check-ups should be normality for you.
- Its like regular car service in many ways – you keep a check on the proceedings, look out for any anomalies and exercise solutions and amends wherever necessary.
Ever Soaring Competition
- This is where common sense takes full effect. You need to care about the health of your website because heavy competition is well and truly underway.
- As and when time passes on, similar brands and companies are entering your domain with unique ideologies and better financial backing.
- How do you expect to trump them if you following conventional methods through and through?
- A check-up will not only allow you to optimize your strengths but more importantly, help you to polish your weaknesses as well so you don’t fall out of the rat race.
User Demographics Shift
- The TG is ever changing! If you were targeting teenagers 5 years ago, the current generation might not like the same range of products due to natural progression.
- A decade ago, it was tough imagining a school kid with a smartphone in his/her hands. This has become far too common now, hasn’t it?
- Hence, stay on top of all such shifts if you want to keep your sales high.
Dynamic SEO Rules & Parameters
- Might be redundant to say; but if you own a business website, SEO should be your top priority.
- And the world of SEO is anything but constant; Google keeps coming up with key updates every now and then much to the horror of digital marketing experts.
Advent of Technology
- Execute regular check-ups to find avenues wherein you can technologically improve.
- New plug-ins, features, additions, elements, functionalities keep brooding on a periodical basis.
Customer Retention + New Customers
- A series of regular health check-ups will indirectly not only help you retain your follower base but will make sure that you get new visitors on board as well.
Change is the Only Constant
A universal truth; this one sums it up quite nicely. Convinced yet?