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The Upcoming Trends in AI to look out for in 2019

The Upcoming Trends in AI to look out for in 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly one of the most revolutionary technologies that came by, and we continue to see it grow. AI has a far-reaching influence on not only household technologies, but also businesses and industries of every sector. From once being on the outside of the business world, it is now all set to enter the mainstream business.

Artificial Intelligence

With 2018 being the year of increasing AI- apps, AI-related start-ups, and patents, 2019 is sure to unleash some bigger and better surprises. Here are 5 emerging AI trends to look out for, in the year 2019:

  1. AI Chipsets

AI’s specialized processes depend on and work in arrangement with a CPU. However, even the most technologically advanced and fast CPUs are not capable of training AI models. For tasks like object detection and facial recognition, the AI models need to perform complex mathematical calculations.

The year 2019 comes with a solution to this problem. Chip manufacturers like Intel, ARM, Qualcomm, and others, are working on manufacturing new chipsets for CPUs which will boost the execution of AI models and improve the functioning of the CPUs. The main focus of these chips manufacturers is natural language processing, speech recognition, and computer vision. 2018 already saw a rise in smart speakers and 2019 is the year when natural language processing and language generation are going to move to the next level.

  1. The Merger of AI and IoT

AI and IoT, are two exponential technologies, that are going to come together in the year 2019. Edge Computing is going to be the base of the convergence of these two technologies. AI is also expected to improve the functionality of industrial IoT by enhancing the performance of root cause analysis and predictive maintenance and adding more accuracy and precision.

  1. Virtual Agents and Improved Chat-Bots

Chatbots came into the picture of AI and ML in the last few years, and a number of companies are making use of this technology to enhance their company website’s performance. These chatbots are capable of answering customer queries, qualify sales, and can also help customers check out. 2019 brings advancement to this technology as well. This year, AI-enabled customer service is going to be improved, chatbots will be taken over by virtual agents.

While chatbots were a success, virtual agents are going to have a personality, a face, and a voice. Customers will be able to communicate and relate to this virtual agent. Companies are expected to invest a little more time, money, and research in developing this technology to better their CS experience.

  1. Cyber Security and AI

The demand and supply of Cyber Security experts have always faced an enormous gap, and that leads to problems of a security breach. This problem of inadequacy of cyber security has always required innovative technological approaches to ensure complete protection. And AI and ML are the technological advancements that are ready to fill the gap in this year. This year, use and involvement of artificial intelligence and machine learning will increase in cybersecurity.

The two processes are not expected to fill-in for the shortage of experts but are supposed to empower the already existing human resources with a powerful and stronger system.

  1. AI Re-Skilling

Every company, big or small, is trying to incorporate AI into their enterprise and working arrangements. These systems are not designed to function on their own, yet, and the already existing workforce of these companies is trained to utilize this technology.

The companies, however, are not willing to wait for the AI talent skilled workers to come around and help them incorporate the technology. They are more towards the idea of training and developing the skills in-house. Training for advanced technologies like AI, ML, etc. will save the companies from paying outsized compensation to the experts in the markets and will improve their chances of talent retention.


Digital innovation keeps happening and mostly goes unnoticed. For instance, mass adoption of mobile devices, it happened, and now we all are holding the innovation in our hands and don’t remember how it impacted everything. The same way, just because you cannot see AI in everyday things, it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

If you have a smart speaker like Google Home or Alexa or Siri at home, AI is already there.

However, for companies, who are yet to adopt AI, might soon get to the verge of extinction. The change is happening and to not go along with it will be like napping through the digital transformation. It is now or never. Research, understand and imply AI into your business model to not be left behind in this transformation.

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